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Member Access

Pilax Classes

Specialty classes, technical classes, at work classes can be found under these six categories. If you're looking for something specific and can't find it, try having a look under Pilax- All Classes. If you stilll cant find it, please get in touch and I can help you find it or let you know when to expect it. These are follow-along at your own pace classes. The majority of these classes have been filmed with the help of a professional videographer.  However, sprinkled throughout, you will find my filmed at home classes, where I simply couldn't wait for the videographer. Filming takes time. But I wanted you to have these classes now. Eventually the at-home videos will come to you in a glossier format. However, please enjoy the rawness of these in the meantime. More videos to come in the near future!

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Full Series

Introducing our exclusive Full Series for members who want mini to long regular work outs.  Excellent taken on their own or a great compliment to your current Pilates classes, or other exercises.

(16 videos)


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Wake Up Series

Discover our exclusive Wake Up Series for members, designed to ease your way into your day when you have low energy or feel like you've been hit by a bus. Experience the unique blend of sessions that define Pilax.

(7 videos)


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Pilax- All Classes

Discover everything you need, from the inspiring 'Rise Up' program to

full work out classes, Pilax style, for everyone.

(72 videos)




Explore our Information section for members and non-members, your go-to resource for Pilax essentials. Find answers and details to keep your wellness journey practical.

(4 videos)


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Exercises designed with specific focuses: for wrists, backs and tips for techniques in taking class not only with Pilax, but anywhere you find yourself!

(19 videos)


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Rise Up Pilax

Pilax Pilates designed for those with post-viral fatigue such as, long-covid and similar conditions who say, 'No!' to being defeated. Classes for those previously active and those wanting to become active.

(23 videos)


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At Work Series

Introducing our exclusive Work Series for members, enhancing your workday with stress relief and mini exercises to sneak in at your office desk or the staff coffee room. Elevate your performance at work through the Pilax experience.

(4 videos)


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